3803 Dortches Blvd., Rocky Mount, NC 27804 | (252) 454-0101
Watering, An Important Part of Gardening
"Where Unique Outdoor
Living Begins"
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"Gardeners, I Think, Dream Bigger Dreams than Emperor's." - Mary Cantwell
Don't forget to water your trees, shrubs and flowers during these Dog Days of summer. Water thoroughly . . . about an inch of water if it has not rained (what's that?) in a week. It is much better to water once deeply than to water too little several times.
Copyright 2011--Patios in Bloom, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Plant Nanny provides an effective and decorative method to water plants. It’s a great way to water plants day-to-day, and the perfect solution to keep plants watered while on vacation. Our terracotta stake slowly releases water from the reservoir deep into the soil and directly to the root system. Plants grow healthier by getting consistent moisture where it’s most needed. Use their already put together set of a watering globe and stake or buy their terracotta stake by itself and use your own water or wine bottle.