3803 Dortches Blvd., Rocky Mount, NC  27804  |  (252)  454-0101         
Keep the Mosquitoes Out of Your Fountain
"Where Unique Outdoor 
   Living Begins"


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When Mosquitoes Work, They Bite and Then They Sing
Don't let the mosquitoes take over your back yard! One easy way to keep them at bay is to simply add 1 tbs. salt to your fountains.  This stops mosquitoes from laying eggs in your water!

Did you know that it's the female and not the male mosquito that bites you in the morning, at dusk, and at night?  She needs your blood to lay viable eggs!

Copyright 2011--Patios in Bloom, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
Add a water wiggler to your birdbath

Continuous moving water eliminates stagnant water, attracts birds and  prevents mosquitoes from laying eggs.

Needs 2 D batteries..